Frequently Asked Questions About Breast Reduction Surgery

Frequently Asked Questions About Breast Reduction Surgery

Breast reduction surgery is a surgical procedure performed to reduce and reshape overly large and sagging breasts. This procedure is preferred to eliminate both aesthetic and physical discomfort.

Breast Reduction Surgery in Women and Men


Breast reduction surgery is a surgical procedure performed to reduce and reshape overly large and sagging breasts. This procedure is preferred to eliminate both aesthetic and physical discomfort. Surgery usually involves removing skin, fat, and breast tissue, followed by repositioning the nipple and areola (the dark area around the nipple).


Reasons and Benefits of Breast Reduction Surgery:


Physical Relief: Reduces back, neck and shoulder pain caused by heavy breasts. This increases women's mobility, especially during physical activities, and makes them feel more comfortable in their daily lives.


Aesthetic Improvement: Breasts gain a more proportionate and aesthetic appearance. This can increase self-confidence and improve one's relationship with one's own body.


Increased Clothing Options: Smaller, more proportionate breasts allow clothes to fit more comfortably, allowing women to choose from a wider range of clothing.


Ease in Physical Activities: Excessively large breasts may cause discomfort, especially in activities such as running or jumping. Such activities can be done more comfortably after surgery.


Reduction of Skin Problems: Skin irritation and infections, which are often seen under large breasts, are reduced.


Ease of Breathing: Some women feel that large breasts make it difficult for them to breathe. Reduction surgery may alleviate this problem.


Surgery Process:


Evaluation: The doctor evaluates the patient's health condition and understands her expectations.


Operation: Under general anesthesia, excess tissue is removed and the breast is reshaped.


Improvement: The healing process usually takes several weeks. It may take several months to see full results.


Risks and Things to Consider:


As with any surgical procedure, breast reduction surgery has risks.


These may include infection, bleeding, loss of sensation, or healing problems. Following the doctor's instructions in the postoperative period helps minimize risks.


Breast reduction surgery can be an effective solution that improves many women's quality of life, both physically and emotionally.


However, the risks and benefits of this type of surgery should be discussed in detail with an experienced surgeon.


Trabzon Breast Reduction Surgery Prices 2024


Breast reduction surgery prices vary depending on various factors.


These factors can affect both the extent of surgery and the overall cost.


Here are the main factors that determine the price of breast reduction surgery:


Complexity and Duration of Surgery: Factors such as breast size and shape can affect the complexity and duration of the surgery. More complex and time-consuming operations generally have higher costs.


Experience and Expertise of the Practicing Plastic Surgeon: The experience and expertise of the surgeon performing the surgery are among the factors that significantly affect the prices. Surgeons who are experts and experienced in their field can generally demand higher fees.


Quality and Location of the Health Institution Where the Surgery is Performed: The quality and geographical location of the hospital or clinic where breast reduction surgery is performed also affect prices. Operations performed at renowned health centers in major cities can often be more expensive than at smaller or less well-known centres.


Postoperative Care and Follow-up: The extent of care and follow-up services provided after surgery may also affect the cost. Extensive follow-up and recovery services can increase the overall cost. Anesthesia and Other Medical Expenses: Additional expenses such as the type of anesthesia and medical supplies used during surgery are also factors that affect the total cost.


Regional Price Differences: Prices may vary depending on the region you live in. In some areas, the cost of living and the level of demand may affect surgery prices. To get more clear information about breast reduction surgery prices, it is best to contact the surgeon or healthcare institution where you are considering the surgery. Thus, you can access the most accurate information suitable for your needs and budget.


Op.Dr Yasemin İmamoğlu

Trabzon Plastic Surgery Examination

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