Tummy Tuck Surgery

Tummy Tuck Surgery

The abdominal area is an area of the body where imperfections can easily appear, especially during pregnancy, sudden weight gain and loss, and decreased muscle tone.

The abdominal area is an area of the body where imperfections can easily appear, especially during pregnancy, sudden weight gain and loss, and decreased muscle tone. These conditions can lead to excess skin, fat accumulation and the appearance of stretch marks. For many women, a firm abdomen is ideal, but unfortunately, proper nutrition and physical activity may not always be enough to overcome dissatisfaction. This is where 'abdominoplasty' comes into play. This surgery reshapes the silhouette by providing a new abdominal tone.

Abdominoplasty can be preferred for various reasons. For example, as part of another operation, such as a hernia repair, or for reasons such as sagging skin after excessive weight loss, loose abdominal muscles and skin after pregnancy, or scars from previous surgery or injuries. Surgery can improve the shape of the abdomen by removing excess fat and skin and tightening the abdominal muscles.

If you are considering tummy tuck surgery, it is important that you are close to a healthy body weight before surgery. Smokers, those who are overweight, those who have had blood clot problems in the past, those planning a future pregnancy, those with uncontrolled heart disease or diabetes may not be suitable for this surgery.

It is important to get the right information and advice about tummy tuck surgery. Knowing about the risks, recovery process and care of the surgery can help you realistically manage your expectations after surgery. If you decide to have the surgery, you should choose your surgeon carefully. Finding a surgeon with appropriate training and qualifications is an important factor in the success of the surgery. Since tummy tuck surgery is not a life-saving operation, you should think about how you will feel and cope in case of possible complications or things going wrong.

How long does swelling last after abdominoplasty  ?

Swelling after abdominoplasty usually lasts 3-4 months and it can take up to 6 months for the final results to appear. However, this may vary from person to person.

When are the results visible after the surgery ?

Although there is a significant improvement immediately after surgery, it may take approximately 2-3 months for functional and visual results to appear.

Is there a need for help at home after surgery ?

For the first 2-3 days, the help of an adult at home is recommended. This person can help with issues such as bathing, drainage management and medication adjustment.

What medications are prescribed for pain after surgery ?

Usually a combination of painkillers is prescribed. It is also recommended to take painkillers regularly for 3 days to relieve pain at the site of inflammation.

When can I stop wearing a compression garment ?

It is recommended to wear a compression garment for 6-8 weeks after surgery.

How long does it take for abdominoplasty scars to fade ?

It can take 6 months to a year for the scars to fade completely. Some patients may need additional scar removal or laser treatments.

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