What is Cosmelan?

What is Cosmelan?

Cosmelan is the worldwide reference professional depigmentation method to treat the most resistant and serious skin blemishes.

Thanks to its Dual Action mechanism, it gives excellent long-term results. Cosmelan not only eliminates the existing blemish on the skin, but also acts on the source of the problem, regulating excessive pigment production to prevent its reappearance. It offers visible results from the first week of treatment. More than 1 million patients worldwide have tried the cosmelan product with satisfactory results. You can have a smooth skin by removing skin blemishes with cosmelan, which is an extremely safe method for the skin.


Does Cosmelan Remove All Kinds of Stains?


Thanks to Cosmelan, all kinds of melanic spots can be treated. With Cosmelan, it is especially effective in the treatment of spots such as melasma, inflammatory spots (HPI), solar lentigines, age spots and freckles that develop after overexposure to the sun.


How Long Does Cosmelan Treatment Take?


There is a 4-stage protocol required to achieve objective results with the Cosmelan treatment method. Intense depigmentation in the cabin in the 1st stage and the treatment for home use in the 2nd, 3rd and 4th stages should be continued. Although the total duration of Cosmelan treatment is approximately 6 months, this period may vary depending on the severity of the cases.


Will the spots reappear after the treatment is over?


It is possible to visibly remove excess pigmentation after proper professional treatment with Cosmelan. However, it is a dynamic process that can cause the imbalance that creates stains to reappear. For this reason, even if the spots are not visible, the treatment should be continued for 1 year to prevent the spots from reappearing.

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