What is Pb Serum?

What is Pb Serum?

Pb serum is a product that is formed by the combination of lightly cross-linked hyaluronic acid with 3 compatible enzymes and is frequently used in skin rejuvenation.

Kişinin ihtiyaçlarına göre uygulanan pb serum, daha genç görünmek, yeniden forma girmek, yara, yanık, skar izlerini tedavi etmek için kullanılmaktadır. Pb serumun içerikleri, etkinlikleri ve güvenirlikleri çok iyi bilinen maddelerden oluşur. Etkisini kısa sürede ve gözle görülür bir şekilde gösteren bir uygulamadır.


Pb Serum Application Areas

  • Under-eye bags
  • Skin sagging and looseness problems
  • tickled
  • Knee wrinkle and fat collection
  • Cellulite
  • In the treatment of all kinds of wounds, burns, scars, keloids
  • It is applied for inner leg, arm back, belly tightening, fat reduction.

Types of Pb Serum


There are 3 different types of pb serum selected according to the condition to be treated. Although their contents are the same, there are 3 pb serum types as HIGH, MEDIUM and LOW according to the concentration they contain.


Pb Serum HIGH: It is generally used in the treatment of various scars such as wounds, burns and acne. It is also used to smooth the skin surface in the treatment of cellulite.


Pb Serum MEDIUM: It is preferred to reduce adipose tissue. Double chin melting provides very successful results when it is desired to reduce excess fat in the arms, legs and abdomen.


Pb Serum LOW: This type, which contains all 3 enzyme types in equal proportion, is a product used to tighten and renew the skin, especially in the treatment of under-eye bags, sagging of the neck, laptop and armpits.


How is Pb Serum Made?


In Pb serum application, the area to be treated is determined first. Then the skin is drawn with a marker pen. Anesthetic cream is applied to the area to avoid pain during the procedure. In the meantime, the enzyme solution is prepared. PB serum is applied with the help of micro needles or cannula. The procedure takes about 15-20 minutes and you can return to social life immediately.

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