

It is a safe method that helps remove high-volume fat from almost any part of the body.

With Liposculpture, you can have the perfect body you dream of!

Liposculpture is a safe method that helps remove high-volume fat from almost any part of the body. With the help of fine vibrating cannulas, the problem area is intervened and it is aimed to transform the fat cells into fat emulsion by breaking down. Unlike liposuction, it helps to remove more fat from one area at once. Since it does not leave cells to store fat cells in these regions, a small amount of weight gain does not affect the result. However, maintaining weight control with diet and regular exercise after the procedure is important for the permanence of the result.


This method, which is also applied for skin with the appearance of cellulite and orange peel, ensures that the skin is tightened without scarring. It is possible to return to social life after one night of hospitalization and 2 days of rest after the operation. It is necessary to wear a corset for about 3 weeks after the operation. At the end of a period of approximately one month, the desired body appearance is achieved.


In plastic and aesthetic surgery, it is important to know yourself and be aware of your wishes.
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