Male Rhinoplasty Surgery

Male Rhinoplasty Surgery

Rhinoplasty is an operation that should be designed specifically for the person. In rhinoplasty

Safe Surgery, Surprising Natural Results!

Rhinoplasty is an operation that should be designed specifically for the person. The important thing in rhinoplasty is to provide the most suitable appearance for the individual's wishes and anatomically general facial harmony.


In recent years, men as well as women have benefited from rhinoplasty operations. In men's rhinoplasty applications, it is aimed to obtain aesthetic and natural results that do not overshadow the masculine expression and characteristic features of the face.


In Turkey and in many parts of the world, male rhinoplasty applications are divided into types according to the structure of the nose and the complaints of the individual. While some surgical interventions can only be done to improve the aesthetic appearance, health problems such as sleep apnea and difficulty in breathing are among the most common causes of rhinoplasty. Male clients generally prefer aesthetic touches to be made while their respiratory problems are resolved.


How is Male Nose Surgery Performed?

Achieving a natural appearance is among the primary conditions for male clients. Asymmetry disorders in the nose are eliminated with this vision. In men, an extremely upturned nose tip and a thinner nose structure than the face are generally not preferred because they do not look nice.


Nose Surgery (Rhinoplasty) Methods

Two different techniques are applied in rhinoplasty applications. These are open and closed rhinoplasty techniques. In some cases, filling applications are performed only to eliminate deformities, if appropriate for the client's condition.


Open and Closed Rhinoplasty Applications

Open nose surgery is generally applied to correct the curvatures, deformities and the appearance of an arched nose in the cartilage tissue of the nose. In open nose surgery, a V-shaped incision is made in the area between the nose and the lip, from the strip just below the nose. In this way, the cartilage structure and bone shape of the nose enters the physician's view directly and aesthetic operation is performed.


In closed nose surgery, the procedure is performed on the inside of the nose. No incision is made in the application. It has a shorter recovery period than the open technique. It is a preferred method for removing the midline curvatures and breathing problems, as well as improving the nasal tip lift and arched appearance. It is more difficult than open surgery and requires experience.


Healing Process After Nose Surgery in Men

Surgical applications for rhinoplasty are performed under general anesthesia. It is normal to have pain for the first few days. Your doctor will give pain relief treatments as he sees fit. During the healing process, it is necessary to protect the nose from blows. At the end of the 3rd week, activities that are not physically demanding can be done. Alcohol and cigarette use should not be used as they will adversely affect the healing process. In about 2 or 3 months, the nose takes its full form and the surgical scars become completely invisible.


In plastic and aesthetic surgery, it is important to know yourself and be aware of your wishes.
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